Technology Assistance in Disaster Management.

Thousands of people can be impacted by a man-made or natural disaster within seconds, and the availability of tools that can help not only before but also during the response to the devastation can save lives and time. A fire incident took place on October 22, 2016, near Nichols Hills Oklahoma depicts that days to use traditional methods and apparatus to manage fire incident will be over soon.


While analyzing and managing the situation, the Incident Commander determined that additional apparatus and personnel were required, and requested accordingly. a full-time, licensed, professional commercial drone operator having experience of operating at several fires (residential & commercial), emergency responses, severe weather emergencies, and other events, launched his drone and assisted in controlling the fire on a request of Incident Commander.


Disaster Management sought out emerging technologies that will positively impact the field and possibly change how people think tech fits into all phases of disaster management i.e. preparedness, response and recovery.Technology assistance in managing the disaster is truly a revolutionary step.






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